Saturday, March 1, 2008

God is a DJ!

Cool Video I ran across today while checking out newest in todays culture.

Really shows how creative people can really be. Even though it seems very simple the idea behind the video is very unique in the fact that non of those people realized what was going on around them. As you watched the video I hope it opened your eyes that God is always looking out for you. This video shows just that in a really neat way.

Do you feel God is interacting in your life?

Tell me what you think, and post a comment!


Won said...

Hi Josh! 1st of all thank you for the visit and comment!!
(What kind of Christian are you?)

Where did you catch the link? And for some reason you did not get the video embedded here.
("God is a DJ!") ??

Caught my interest .. will go look 4 it!
Found it on youTube + others! Interesting!

Be Blessed, 1 aka DP

Josh said...

Hi Won,

The video is embedded it works on both Firefox, and Internet Explorer browsers. You may have a security setting that doesn't allow it to be played. Sorry for any inconvenience that may have caused you. I am a GC a General Christian and believe in God, Gods Word (BIBLE), and whatever God tells me. I am nothing more than a servant. I think I caught your link from the Blogosphere scrolling links. Thanks for your post and your interests.


Dr. DP said...

Yes Josh, I was using firefox & need to refresh it regularly. I am using Mozilla and it is working great! Made me go back & check one of mine and work on it!

I was wondering if I was showing up on Blogosphere or not. Appreciate the feed back.

Sorry for the false alarm!
Be Blessed, 1 aka DP (Bil and others) ;-)

Gail said...

That vid was pretty sweet. A different perspective at least.

Ariah said...

This is a great video isn't it?

Anyways, thanks for joining the conversation on my blog. I'm usually much more conversational but being sick and with a sick baby I haven't had much time to type.

Looking forward to further dialog.
